Monday, 28 March 2011

Sale Water Park Bimble

20th March

My friend Dave is recovering from an operation so we decided on a gentle bimble around the waterparks and down to Fletcher Moss in Didsbury. Bod was recruited to stretch his legs and to take advantage of his extensive knowledge of the good bits of the TPT.  Myself and Dave met Bod at Jacksons' Bridge and headed down to Chorlton Water Park. We took the decision to head towards Didsbury so we wound our way down the Mersey.

As we hit Northenden it was obvious that the recent floods had taken their toll on the footpath. Branches and silt everywhere made the going quite arduous in places. The Mersey Valley Rangers had seen fit to close off some stretches of the path and picking our way round was somewhat precarious. Crossing at the Ford Bridge over on to Mill Lane, we turned left and went down towards Didsbury Golf Club on Ford Lane. Simons Bridge in Didsbury South loomed and we quickly scooted over to civilisation. A quick fanny around on the woodwork on the nature walk and we headed back through Didsbury and back into the Ghetto.

30 mins or so later and we were back to Gods Own Suburb, Sale.

Approximately 15 miles to the good. No pics I'm afraid.

1 comment:

  1. I should start emailing the gpx routes to you for your avid followers
